-To introduce a critical definition of ideology
-To introduce some of the basic principles of Marxist philosophy
-To explain the extent to which the media constitutes us as a subject
-To introduce 'cultural jamming' and the idea of design activism.
'The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, it to change it.'
Marx, K (1845) 'Theses On Feuerbach'
A political manifesto-he wrote the communist manifesto-leading to socialism, Communism and the twentieth century conflicts between capital and labour
He also wrote about aspects of society-Marxism is a philosophical method
A philosophical approach to the social sciences-human behaviour
-Control of the means of production in private hands
-A market where labour power is bought and sold
-Production of commodities for sale
-Use of money as a means of exchange
-Its the society we live in today in the western world.
-Its a competition that makes us compete
-Comes from the start of life, told to compete against others at school for grades, told to compete in the work market
1.Primitive Communism: as seen in the cooperative tribal societies.
2.Slave society: develops when the tribe becomes a city-state.Birth of aristocracy.
3.Feudalism: aristocracy becomes the ruling class. Merchants develop into capitalists.
4.Capitalism: (what we are in now) capitalists are the ruling class, who create and employ the real working class.
5.Socialism-workers gain class consciousness,overthrow the capitalists and take control over the state
6.communism:a classless and stateless society.
Marx's Concept of Base/Superstructure
(Marx is a materialist philosopher)
Forces of production-materials,tools,workers,skills etc
relations of production-employer/employee, class, master/slave etc
social institutions-legal, political, cultural
forms of consciousness-ideology
'The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles'
(Marx, Communist Manifesto)
Base------>determines content and form of-------->Superstructure------>Reflects form of and legitimises------->Base
Where we are in life we are forced into situations and relations that we don't really have a choice about, even though we like to think that we do. If you are born in a poor, deprived area of the country you will have a different life from someone born in a richer more well off area.
-'...but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie'(Marxs and Engels)
-Instruments of the state
Ideological and Physical concern
1. system of ideas and beliefs (eg beliefs of a politicla party)
2. masking, distortion, or selection of ideas, to reinforce power relations, through creation of 'false consciousness'
The ruling class has ] to represent its interest as the common interest of all
the members of society, ... to give its ideas the form of universality, and
represent them as the only rational, universally valid ones.'
Marx, (1846) The German Ideology,
'Religion is the opiate of the Masses'
Art as Idelogy-Artist used to come from people who were educated, so only rich people produced art and only men were allowed to make art, white rich men are making the art.
Kings and Queens buy the art and dictate what gets painted. Rich people are making art for other rich people.
Society=Economical, Political and Ideology
Ideology is a practice through which men and women 'live' their relations to real conditions of existence.
Ideology offers false, but seemingly true resolutions to social imbalance.
Althusser, (1970) 'Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses'
The Media as Ideological State Apparatus
-Disseminates the view of the ruling class (dominant hegemonic)
-Media creates false consciousness
-The individual is produced by nature; the subjects by culture. (Fiske, 1992)
-The constitution of the subject
The way ideology works- for example in newspaper- it becomes more than propgagnda it becomes a way of life.
The newspapers also set judgement on people, they make assumptions and project them onto people.

'Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most of the relations between men and women but also the relation of women to themselves.'
Berger, Ways of Seeing, 1972
-Patriarchal ideology
-Commodity Fetishism
-We can almost comodify or brand anything,
-These are sold for $100 each, making nothing into a commodity.
-The assets of the worlds top three billionaries are greater then those of the poorest 600 milllion on the planet.
-More than
a third of the worlds population (2.8 billion)live on less than two dollars a day.
billion live on less than one dollar a day
-In 2002
34.6 million Americans lived below the official poverty line (8.5 million of
those had jobs!) Black American Poverty double that of whites
capita income in sub-Saharan Africa =$490
capita subsidy for European cows = $913
‘I warn you not to be ordinary. I warn
you not to be young. I warn you not to fall ill. I warn you not to
get old.’ (Kinnock 1983)